Kubark Manual Pdf Download

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Jul 19, 2019 kubark interrogation manual pdf Sep 9, The document was given the codename KUBARK and for decades it served as the standard for legally gray or black interrogation techniques. PDF A careful reading of the KUBARK manual is essential for anyone involved in interrogation, if perhaps for no other reason than to uncover a definition of.

PDF A careful reading of the KUBARK manual is essential for anyone involved in interrogation, if perhaps for no other reason than to uncover a definition of. Its purpose is to provide guidelines for KUBARK interrogation, and particularly the counterintelligence interrogation of resistant sources. “An environment still more subject to control, such as water-tank or iron lung, is even more effective,” the KUBARK manual concludes.

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Created Date: 5/10/2004 3:49:33 PM. This manual cannot teach anyone how to be, or become, a good Its purpose is to provide guidelines for KUBARK interrogation,. “An environment still more subject to control, such as water-tank or iron lung, is even more effective,” the KUBARK manual concludes. Mar 12, 2020 The CIA Document of Human Manipulation Kubark This interrogation manual is relatively small and the information dated much of which seemed to be complied in the 50’s and early 60’s Some of the more interesting chapters appear fragmented andor heavily redacted The interrogation manual only briefly touches upon the use of the polygraph hypnosis. The CIA Document Of Human Manipulation: Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual Download Epub Mobi Pdf Fb2 cinurl.com/14f0z3. Created Date: 5/10/2004 3:49:33 PM.

Would you like to tell us about a lower price? In the course of several sessions conducted without note-taking, the subject is likely to fall manjal the comfortable illusion that he is not talking for the record. The guilt-ridden character is hard to interrogate. He will be offended and may become wholly uncooperative if faced with insistent demands for the naked what. Personality Categories C.

KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation – Wikisource, the free online library

His money and other possessions have for him a personalized quality; they are parts of himself. No interrogator should be reluctant to notify his superior when emotional involvement becomes evident. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. Both the Kybark and the Chinese have used this trick effectively.

One general observation is introduced now, however, because it is considered basic to the establishment of rapport, upon which the success of non-coercive interrogation depends. The questioner should not accept a blanket negative without probing. I feel, personally, that he was exaggerating a great deal.

As detailed questioning proceeds, addition biographic data will be revealed. But two cautions are in order. During the next interrogation session with the source, a part of the taped denunciation can be played back to him if necessary. It is kbark to determine whether the subject’s knowledge of any topic was acquired at first hand, learned indirectly, or represents merely an assumption.

If he is a fabricator or hostile agent, has he been photographed and fingerprinted? Any interrogatee has his ups and downs, times when he is tired or half-ill, times when his personal problems have left his nerves frayed. Two dangers are especially likely to appear during the reconnaissance. Only when these have been established and understood does it become possible to plan realistically.

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The definitions, legal considerations, and discussions of interrogators and sources, as well as Section VI on screening and other preliminaries, are relevant to all kinds of interrogations. Sometimes the interrogator knows in advance, oubark a result of screening, that the subject will be uncooperative. He is not able to withstand very much pressure; he reacts to a challenge not by kanual his efforts but rather by running away to avoid conflict.

A number of practical terminal details should also be considered in advance. It is also helpful to install a small blinker bulb behind the subject or to arrange some other method of signalling the interrogator, without the source’s knowledge, that the questioner should leave the room for consultation or that someone else is about to enter. Dismissal or prompt referral of the mentally ill to professional specialists will save time and money. First, such interrogations should not be conducted for reasons lying outside the sphere of KUBARK’ s responsibilities.

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On the other hand, if the needed information is not sensitive from the subject’s viewpoint, merely asking for it is usually preferable to trying to trick him into admissions and thus creating an unnecessary battle of wits. As detailed interrogation continues, and especially at the half-way mark, the interrogator’s desire to complete the task may cause him to be increasingly business-like or even brusque.

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Interrogators who adopt them and who note in an interrogatee one or two of the characteristics of “Type A” may mistakenly assign the source kkubark Category A and assume the remaining traits.

As interrogation sources, optimistic characters respond best to a kindly, parental approach. In the opening phases of interrogation, or in a quick interrogation, we are compelled to make some manhal of the shorthand of categorizing, despite distortions. Some of the findings, though necessarily tentative and speculative, have some relevance to interrogation. A repetition of this catalogue would serve no purpose here, especially because almost all of the characteristics mentioned are also mankal in case officers, agents, policemen, salesmen, lumberjacks, and everybody else.

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Documents from Bloc countries, or those mwnual are in any respect unusual or unfamiliar, are customarily sent to the proper field or headquarters component for technical analysis. Perhaps the four qualifications of chief importance to the interrogator are 1 enough operational training and experience to permit quack recognition of leads; 2 real familiarity with the language to be used; 3 extensive background knowledge about the interrogatee’s native country and intelligence service, if employed by one ; and 4 a genuine understanding of the source as a person.

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CIA, KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual KUBARK–a CIA codename for itself–describes the qualifications of a successful. PDF A careful reading of the KUBARK manual is essential for anyone involved in Anticipating modern-day interrogation guides such as CIA’s “KUBARK. Major documents in the history of American intelligence interrogation are included in this unique ebook compilation, including two famous manuals, the CIA.

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The manuals describe coercive techniques to be used “to induce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist. But at the outset of the interrogation, and perhaps for a long time afterwards, the person being questioned is not greatly concerned with communicating his body of specialized information to his questioner; he is concerned with putting his best foot forward.

Knowledge of subject matter and of the basic principles will not of itself create a successful interrogation, but it will make possible the avoidance of mistakes that are characteristic of poor interrogation. In fact, it is a basic principle of interrogation that the questioner should have at his disposal, before querying starts, as much pertinent information as can be gathered without the knowledge of the prospective interrogatee.

This is the oldest manual, and describes the use of abusive techniques, as exemplified by two references to the use of electric shock, in addition to use of threats and fear, sensory deprivation, and isolation.

See Inside The Declassified C.I.A. Torture Manual From The Cold War

On the other hand, there are valid objections to the adoption of majual categories for interrogation purposes however valid they may be as KUCAGE concepts. The Baltimore Sun was investigating “kidnapping, torture and murder” committed by the Honduran Battalion death squad.

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But the results of preliminary testing are kubar inconclusive, and detailed interrogation is frequently kuark to confession and full revelation. Various categorical schemes are outlined in treatises on interrogation. The old adage that anticipation is worse than the experience appears to also have a basis in the shadowy field of torture. It is true that American psychologists have devoted somewhat more attention to Communist interrogation techniques, particularly “brainwashing”, than to U.

It follows that errors in assessment and in handling are likelier to result from snap judgments based upon the assumption of innate skill in judging others than from holding such judgments in abeyance until enough facts are known. Once it is established that the source is probably a counterintelligence target in other words, is probably a member of a foreign intelligence or security service, a Communist, or a part of any other group engaged in clandestine activity directed cai the national securitythe interrogation is planned and conducted accordingly.

CIA, KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual

Detention poses the most common of the legal problems. Click here to cancel reply. At best it can help readers to avoid the characteristic mistakes of poor interrogators. The interrogation of a resistant source who is a staff or agent member of an Orbit intelligence or security service or of a clandestine Communist organization is one of the most exacting of professional tasks. For this reason definitions have been omitted for such terms as burn notice, defector, escapee, and refugee.

The CIA’s Torture Manual In Its Entirety, Part I Stuff You Should Know

The number of systems devised for categorizing human beings kuvark large, and most of them are of dubious validity. Swindlers and fabricators are usually interrogated for prophylactic reasons, not for counterintelligence information.

In the opening phases of interrogation, or in a quick interrogation, we are compelled to make some use of the shorthand of categorizing, despite distortions. Practices like starvation, keeping inmates kubagk small, windowless cells with unchanging artificial light and forcing inmates to sit or stand in uncomfortable positions stress positions for long periods of time have been decried or banned outright by the United States government.

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But unlike a police interrogation, the CI interrogation is not aimed at causing the interrogatee to incriminate himself as a means of bringing him to trial. What follows is the manual in its entirety, from a version downloaded by me initially sometime in as research for a HowStuffWorks article titled, Is there a torture manual?

The Nature of Counterintelligence Interrogation B. His money and other possessions have for him a personalized quality; they are parts of himself.

Kubark Manual

Instead, the manuals provide detailed techniques for infiltrating social movements, interrogating suspects, surveillance, maintaining military secrecy, recruiting and retaining spies, and controlling the population. Usually the odds still favor the interrogator, but they are sharply cut by the training, experience, patience and toughness of the interrogatee.

It is not claimed that the classification system presented here is complete; some interrogatees will not fit into any one of the groupings. A newer book, largely a revision of the KUBARK manual, draws the same foundational conclusion — that psychological torment is paramount to physical abuse.

If an interrogatee lies persistently, an interrogator may report and dismiss him as a “pathological liar. Interrogation of them is usually inconclusive and, if ,anual, unrewarding. He is sometimes the youngest member of a large family, the maanual of a middle-aged woman a so-called “change-of-life kubak. Replay media catcher 7 serial key.

If withholding, they can often be handled effectively by the Mutt-and-Jeff technique discussed later in this paper. This manual cannot teach anyone how to be, or become, a good interrogator. Army and CIA interrogation manuals are seven iubark military training manuals which were declassified by the Pentagon in The consensus of research is that with respect to many kinds of judgments, at least some judges perform reliably better than chance Such typologies also cause disagreement even among professional psychiatrists and psychologists.

While the excerpts released by the Pentagon are a useful and not misleading selection of the most egregious passages, the ones most clearly advocating torture, execution and blackmail, they do not provide adequate insight into the manuals’ highly objectionable framework. Another preliminary comment about the interrogator is that normally he should not personalize.

TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE » CIA, KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual

Later portions of this manual explore this topic in more detail. InCaballero attended a CIA “human resources exploitation or interrogation course,” according to declassified testimony by Richard Stolzwho was dia deputy director for operations at the time, before the June Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Moral considerations aside, the imposition of external iubark of manipulating people carries with it the grave risk of later lawsuits, adverse publicity, or other attempts to strike back. Is there a torture manual? For this reason a major purpose of this study is to focus relevant scientific findings upon CI interrogation. Since KUBARK employees cannot be witnesses in court, each investigation must be conducted in such a manner that evidence obtained may be properly nanual if the case comes to trial.

Preliminary assessment of motivation including political orientationreliability, and capability as observer and reporter. We welcome debate and dissent, but personal — ad hominem — attacks on authors, other users or any individualabuse and defamatory language will not be tolerated.

The definitions, legal considerations, and discussions of interrogators and sources, as well as Section VI on screening coa other preliminaries, are relevant to all kinds of interrogations. The Pentagon press release accompanying the release stated that a investigation into the manuals concluded that “two dozen short passages in six of the manuals, which total pages, contained material that either was not or could be interpreted not to be consistent with U.

Archived from the original on Although denunciations by genuine refugees and other evidence of manuaal obtained from documents, local officials, and like sources may result in exposure, the detection of provocation ,ubark depends upon skilled interrogation. This work is of sufficient importance and relevance that it is no longer possible to discuss interrogation significantly without reference to the psychological research conducted in the past decade.

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